B. The catalyst for said desision is the fact that I have also made the preliminary choice of a snowmobile for my senior thesis. I know, I know - we need to use design to help the world. More humanitarian ideas have crossed my mind, but one thing I know for sure (mostly through co-op) is that I become incredibly bored and frustrated when I'm designing things in which I have little personal interest. Don't get me wrong, though. I would love to be the one to revolutionize water distribution for refugees; it's just not a fun project. Besides, maybe this will turn into an avalanche rescue sled. Who knows? I can be sure, though, that doing something related to both snow and sports will hold my interest.
Anyway, the plan this quarter is to start doing research while I pump out a quick sketch and render portfolio piece. Research and redesigns will continue until I graduate. Chances are it won't happen this way (after all it did take me two co-op quarters just to do a ski boot), but we'll see...
1 comment:
OMG comment tag. LOLS!
Those aren't bad at all. I have the same goal going, and lots of free time at work. I declare a SKETCHBATTLE!
its on.
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